Greg taught the lesson on the Atonement. ( yeah I know, the atonement! We dive right in to the big lessons too sometimes.) The kids really seemed to get the subject. I asked Ali what was the worst thing that any one could ever do. She said bite some one. :) It made me smile. She is still a little girl. I then told her she could be forgiven of that because Christ suffered for all of our sins and mistakes. Greg gave the analogy of having a clean house and the kids walking through it covered in mud. And what you would do to clean off the mud before you could go into the house.
We had white cake with white icing for dessert. I don't really like cake all that much, so I don't make it, but it had been awhile since I had any and it was a fun change for dessert. Note the plate of dinner in the center of the table. That is Enoch's. He again refused just to take one bit, so no dessert. Stubborn.
We played Simon Says for the game. Shad was Simon during this picture. I think I look awful. My body is some kind of weird, floppy, extra skin, extra fat kind of thing right now. I started going to the Y every day, and i am on a really healthy diet. I REALLY want my body back, so I am going to try to be super motivated. I want 10 more pounds gone before my six week dr. appointment. Then if I just lose a pound or 2 a week I will be satisfied.
Greg was holding Liam during the lesson, so Enoch got a baby doll and is kissing it. It was so sweet.
Lesson: Atonement
Activity: Simon Says
Dessert: cake!
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