Friday, September 23, 2011


I am really bad at speaking foreign languages. I was awful at German in High School and I have tried to learn Spanish over and over and I can barely say "Hello, how are you?"

But one language I am really good at is Enochese. I will translate some of the following.

Enoch: I am tried.

He really means: I need to go poop.

Enoch: I am hungry.

He really means: I am tired.

Enoch: That's not fair.

He really means: That doesn't make sense.

(For example: If he sees a girl at church and mistakes her for Jesus, but then realizes it isn't Jesus because it is a girl. And he knows that Jesus was a boy and that there was not a girl Jesus- That is not fair.)

Enoch: or

He really thinks: and

( For example "You may have a candy treat OR ice cream." He believes he is going to get a candy treat AND ice cream and will let you know for several hours the lies and injustice you have told him.)

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