Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rice bowl

 Shadrach's basketball team is raising money for hunger. Everyone on his team was given a rice bowl, and they were supposed to put money in it.  He immediately came home and put all of his money in it from his piggy bank and then put his tooth fairy money in it from just the night before.  I wanted to say to him, "Oh no, Shad.  You should put some in the rice bowl but you need to keep most of it."  or "Let's figure out 10% and you can put that into the rice bowl.  You worked hard for that money and it is yours."   ...... But I didn't.  I caught myself before the words came out of my mouth.  Instead, I felt the moment.  I hugged him.  I told him that he surprised me, and I was proud of him.  I told him I thought that Jesus would have done the same thing. I told him that he was being very charitable. The rest of the day he did chores so he could add more money in the rice bowl.  Shadrach made me think the rest of the day of what we should all be doing to be more charitable. 

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