Friday, February 25, 2011


EE looks rather happy in this picture but he hasn't left that spot all day long. He is so sick. He is so sick that he isn't even complaining. He just sits there and watches cartoons. It has been nice because I am sick too. Normally if I am sick, it doesn't matter because this little guy is always going, but this day was nice because I got to rest.
Shadrach is sick too but doing much better than everyone else. Because of his Asthma, they often put him on a steroid to get over his colds because he coughs himself into asthma attacks. I feel asleep during Enoch's nap time. Shadrach is such an awesome boy. He is so good and so responsible I can let him do his own thing and he always makes good decisions. When I woke up, I noticed he had little read dots all over him. ( You can barely see them) When I asked him what happened, he didn't know. We finally figured out that while I was sleeping he poured himself a glass of sugar free cool aid and it splashed every where. He cleaned up the counters, but didn't realize it was on his face, foot, and hand. ( and yes I am watching the Cobert Report in the background - the best show ever)

Poor Ali has been board out of her mind with everyone sick. No one can come over, and we can't go anywhere. You might be asking why she has a piece of paper stuck to her face. I didn't need to ask. I knew right away. (Mothers and daughters think a like) It is her microphone. She was singing Justin Bieber(sp) for the umteenth time. She can't hold a mic because that would mess up her dance moves, so she has one of those ones that are on your face. :)


  1. Molly, I LOVE your blog. You are an awesome momma. And I can't believe you're having your FOURTH baby. Wow. I think I still picture you the last time I saw your teens. :) It's fun to (kind of) be in touch again.

  2. So sorry you and the kids are sick. Glad you had some time to rest. My kids have had that stomach bug all week and I woke up in the middle of the night last night with it. I was so glad that Dan had the day off work today to take care of the kids. i just woke up and it was so nice to get some sleep for once. Take it easy this weekend.
